Trevor Noah slams affirmative action probe, says colleges have 'so many' white people

Brooke Metz

Trevor Noah spent part of Wednesday's Daily Show challenging the new Justice Department's investigation into affirmative action's role in college admissions, announced earlier that day by Attorney General and Trump "house elf" Jeff Sessions.

"If American colleges were any whiter, Jon Snow would build a wall to protect us from them," he said. 

Noah also said that more than half of Trump supporters believe white people experience more discrimination than black people, according to a Washington Post/ABC News poll.

He brought in Jordan Klepper, who is white, and Roy Wood Jr, who's black, to drive home his point. 

Klepper, playing the role of marginalized Caucasian, objected to Wood speaking first. 

"This is just another example of the subtle bias we white people face every single day," Klepper said, adding that there has only been one white president since former President Barack Obama. 

He also cited this year's Academy Awards, where "a black movie literally pulled the Oscar out of the hands of a white movie — a movie that had the guts to tell the story of how Ryan Gosling invented jazz."

Klepper also tried accusing blacks of appropriating the "n" word but thankfully Noah cut him off "before you make it impossible for me to be your black friend."

When Noah asked Wood Jr. what he thought of the Justice Department's move, he jokingly said he agreed with it. 

"People being blocked from getting into colleges just because of the color of their skin cannot be tolerated in America," Wood Jr. said.

Klepper nodded throughout the explanation until Wood Jr. added that reparations should be extended to those affected by racism hundreds of years ago. 

"Whoa, not that far," he interjected.

Watch the whole video below: