Michael Moore to explore Donald Trump's election with 'Fahrenheit 11/9'

Bryan Alexander
Directory Michael Moore is working on a documentary exploring the 2016 election of President Donald Trump.

Director Michael Moore has been secretly working on the documentary Fahrenheit 11/9, exploring the 2016 presidential election that propelled Donald Trump into office.

The outspoken director promised the film will have a major impact on the Trump presidency.

"No matter what you throw at him, it hasn't worked," Moore said in a statement Tuesday. "No matter what is revealed, he remains standing. Facts, reality, brains cannot defeat him. Even when he commits a self-inflicted wound, he gets up the next morning and keeps going and tweeting. That all ends with this movie."

The statement from Bob and Harvey Weinstein, who acquired the international rights for the upcoming film, calls the documentary "explosive" and adds that it "is expected to be key in dissolving Trump's 'Teflon' shield and, in turn, his presidency."

Michael Moore to Dems: You weren't paying attention

The "11/9" in the title refers to the day Trump was declared president of the United States, at 2:29 the morning of Nov. 9, 2016.

Moore famously predicted a Trump presidency in his surprise filmMichael Moore in TrumpLand, which was released during the 2016 campaign (Oct. 18). Moore has reunited with the filmmaking team from his 2004 documentary Fahrenheit ‪9/11, which focused on the George W. Bush administration following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The team includes directors/producers Meghan O’Hara, Tia Lessin and Carl Deal.

No release date has been specified for the new film.

Filmmaker Michael Moore at Sardi's in New York City.