Move over Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino, we now have a unicorn lemonade 🍋

Ashley May
A Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino drink was released April 19.

Starbucks' magical unicorn powder found its way into more than just Frappuccinos. Yes, unicorn lemonade is real.

It's made with blue powder, raspberry syrup and topped with pink powder. Some baristas also swapped the order of ingredients to make different colors. It reportedly has a similar sweet and sour taste. It's probably also packed with sugar — a grande Unicorn Frappuccino contains 59 grams.

A barista who posted about the concoction on Reddit five days ago since deleted the recipe following a rush a comments urging them to shut it down. (The Unicorn Frap isn't easiest drink to make.)

While people have recently posted about the unofficial drink, it might not be available. Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino was a limited-time release between April 19 and 23. But, if a location has leftover powder, the lemonade could exist for savvy customers.


Starbucks barista loses it over unicorn frappuccino mania 

Starbucks' Unicorn Frap: Is it worth it?

A 61-year-old British guy tried the Starbucks unicorn frappuccino. Here’s what happened.

When 4/20 and unicorn madness collide

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