Solar Eclipse 2017: Where to find hotels, how to photograph and why class is canceled

Doyle Rice
Solar eclipse

The biggest and best solar eclipse in American history is coming soon to a sky near you. On Aug. 21, a total solar eclipse will be visible from coast to coast. It will be the first total eclipse visible only in the USA since the country's founding in 1776. The eclipse will start on the West Coast in Oregon and trace a 67-mile wide path east across the country, exiting the East Coast in South Carolina. Get prepared for this spectacular celestial moment and study up with some of the best content from the USA TODAY Network.

Want to book a hotel or campsite to watch the solar eclipse? Hurry up.

Procrastinators, rejoice. Whether you're looking for a motel room or just a place to pitch your tent, you still have a few options for a place to stay across the country. One caveat: It'll likely cost you. One motel in Casper, Wyo., just raised its nightly starting rate for the event from $890 to $1,495. And some Airbnb's are going for more than $5,000 a night. You may just be plain out of luck in some places. Most, if not all, hotels in the Greenville, S.C., area are booked the Sunday before the solar eclipse.

You're going to need some accessories for your gear if you want to take photos or video

If you want to capture the total solar eclipse, you’ll want to stock up on some accessories and prepare to shoot photos and videos differently. For starters, you'll want to invest in a solar filter for your camera lens: Focusing on the eclipsed sun without a filter could damage your camera. A tripod is next. The eclipse will turn day into eery night fast, and you'll need one to keep your images steady. Finally, a long lens: To capture a great shot of the eclipse sun you need to be able to zoom in.

Worried about clouds ruining your view? Take to the skies.

There is one surefire way to see the spectacle: From an aircraft that will fly above any pesky weather problems. Alaska Airlines will charter a flight over the Pacific so select passengers can see the eclipse from the sky. The flight will take off at 7:30 a.m. PT from Portland — but is by invitation-only for astronomers and eclipse chasers, though there is a contest for two seats onboard. Your other option may be a few commercial flights scheduled to be in the path of the eclipse: Alaska Airlines Flight 3382 from Portland to Kansas City; Southwest Airlines Flight 1368 from Portland to St. Louis; and Southwest Airlines Flight 1559 from Nashville to Charleston, S.C.

'Eclipse blindness' is a real thing. Here's how to watch the solar eclipse safely.

Got your eclipse glasses yet? It's never safe to view the sun with the naked eye. The sun’s surface is so bright that if you stare at any portion of it, no matter how small, it produces enough light to permanently damage your retina. The only time it's ever safe to look at the sun when the moon completely blocks the sun’s bright face for 2 or 3 minutes during the total eclipse. So stock up on some funky eclipse glasses.

Schools out for eclipse? Class is canceled for many in the South

Several school districts in the South have announced classrooms will be closed Aug. 21 for the rare event, while others are incorporating the event into their curriculum. Many schools across the country will be closed regardless because of summer vacation. But school districts across the southern U.S. typically open earlier, forcing them to make a decision: Keep students in school or let them stay home.

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Weather:Where could clouds ruin your view of the solar eclipse?

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Map:How close will you be to the path of totality?